Tuesday, September 18, 2012

HP Color LaserJet CM2320 MFP 'PCL XL error'

Chrichtian Neal : HP CM2320 PCL XL error

CM2320 PCL XL error

Of late, my office HP Color LaserJet CM2320 started an error:

PCL XL error
     Subsystem:  TEXT
     Error:      InternalError 0x50
     Operator:   BeginChar
     Position:   32

I was, from the beginning, able to solve the problem by resetting the printer. I power off the printer. Press and held down the right button and X (cancel) until 'permanent storage init' displayed. This resets all the setting to original settings, and if you had it configured to manual network setting, you might consider reconfiguring the printer manually again.

It was ok for a day or two, and then restarted again. But this time the above solution did not even last for an hour. I had to keep repeating same procedure.

I then visited the HP website (my OS is Windows 7 64-bit) and downloaded the firmware...after a successful update of the firmware, all was kicking as new.

Hope this helps....

C++ Assignment

Chrichtian Neal : C++ Assignment, calc function

This is a C++ program that invokes a function calc(), intakes two integers and an arithmetic operator, and prints the corresponding result. 


#include <cstdlib>   /* the program works fine without this header but I'm sure it's cool since the library uses a namespace*/   

#include <iostream>    /* input and output stream header*/

#include <conio.h>   /* input and output console header. used for clrscr(), getch() functions.*/

#include <process.h> /*threads and processes function declarations and macros header */

using namespace std; /*instructing compiler to use everything in the std namespace.*/

int main () /* declaration of main function: program execution starts here */ 

          system("CLS"); //command that clears the screen

          void calc(int, int, char); //declaring calc function with variables 
          int a, b;  // declaring variables as integer 
          cout<<"Please enter first number: "; //Sends out what is between the " " to the monitor, and expects a input from keyboard 
          cin>>a /*retrieves numeric inputs from keyboard and pass to variable 'a' /

          char ch; //retrieves character string from keyboard 
          cout<<"\nPlease enter an arithmetic operator (+,-,*,/,%) : "; 

          cout<< "\nPlease enter second number: "; 

          calc(a, b, ch); // calling of function 

          calc getch(); /* the function prompts the user to press a character but the character is not printed on screen */

int calc(int x, int y, char ch)/*initializing calc function byreferencing 'a' and 'b' value with 'x' and 'y' */
          switch(ch) /*evaluates the result to each of the case expressions in relation to the 'ch' values (+,-,*,/,%) */
               /*calculating each case based on inputted values and by operators selected */

        case '+' :cout<<"\nThe sum of "<<x<<" plus "<<y<< " is "<<(x+y);

        case '-' :cout<<"\nThe difference of "<<x<<" minus "<<y<< " is "<<(x-y);

        case '*' :cout<<"\nThe product of "<<x<<" multiplied by "<<y<< " is "<<(x*y);

        case '/' :cout<<"\nThe quotient of "<<x<<" divided by "<<y<< " is "<<(x/y);

case '%' :cout<<"\nThe reminder of "<<x<<" divided by "<<y<< " is "<<(x%y);
    return 0; /* returns 0 at end of program to show normalcy since the main function 'int main()' demands a value of an integer type be returned */

Chrichtian Neal